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Glossary Of Terms

  • AVC (Active Vehicle Control) – A proprietary combination of gyros, sensors and software that helps to stabilize and control the heading of surfaces RC models.
  • AS3X - A proprietary combination of gyros, sensors and software that helps to stabilize and control the heading of Aircraft RC models.
  • Binding Process - Programming a receiver to recognize the GUID code of only one specific transmitter or transmitter module.
  • Channel - Refers to the number of devices that you can plug into a receiver and control; also references the frequency a transmitter broadcasts on.
  • Dipole - A twin antenna setup that makes DuaLink possible.
  • DSMX3rd generation Frequency Hopping Spektrum 2.4 gHz protocol offer superior RF link security and over 100 system can operate interference free simultaneously.
  • DSMR - Spektrum Surace "Racing" protocol offer reduced latency, superior RF link security and over 100 system can operate interference free simultaneously.
  • DSM - Digital Spectrum Modulation; DSM is the 2.4GHz technology that makes Spektrum possible.
  • DSM2 - The second generation of Digital Spread Modulation. DSM2 offers significantly reduced latency and a faster response time than any brand of 27, 75, or 72MHz PCM system.
  • DSSS - Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum. DSSS broadcasts on the 2.4GHz frequency band and generates a wide signal on a single frequency.
  • Dual Link - Spektrum designed architecture that provides increased RF link diversity. This combined with DSM2 is what makes the full range system possible.
  • Fades - The term used to describe data that does not reach the receiver. DuaLink minimizes this possibility.
  • Failsafe - A safety feature designed into Spektrum receivers that drives the servo positions to a preset location in the event that signal is lost.
  • Flight Log -
  • FHSS - Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum. These systems usually transmit a narrow band signal and rapidly jump through a fixed set of frequencies, spending a few milliseconds on each frequency.
  • Frame Loss - The simultaneous loss of information to both antennas in the aircraft system.
  • Frame Rate - The time interval at which the servo data is updated on the receiver.
  • Frequency - The specific channel or RF spectrum that a radio broadcasts on. In a traditional RC radio, the transmission crystal resonates when voltage is applied; the rate of this resonation determines the frequency that is broadcast on.
  • Gain- Typically referred to in gyros, gain is the feedback correction authority used to counteract the rate of motions in a gyro.
  • GUID - Globally Unique Identification Code. Each individual module or radio is factory programmed with its own unique serial code. In the binding process, the receiver is programmed to only recognize the GUID code of one specific radio or module.
  • Heading Hold- In gyros, used to maintain the indented heading or direction of the aircraft or vehicle despite outside influences, wind, round surface, etc.
  • Holds- In Spektrum system a hold occurs when 45 consecutive Frame losses occur. At this point the system enters failsafe.
  • Latency - The time it takes for a servo or ESC to react to an input made on a radio.
  • MHz - Megahertz. One hertz represents one cycle per second, and a megahertz is 1,000,000 hertz.
  • ModelMatch - A safety feature that prevents a pilot from flying a model when the model selected in the radio is not correct.
  • Module - A device that plugs into the back of many radios that determines the broadcast frequency and band.
  • Packets - A set or group of data that is sent from a transmitter to a receiver in a digital radio system.
  • Priority - In Gyros Stick priority reduces the amount of gain as the control input (stick is displaced from center. This gives more control authority as the limits of travel.
  • Receiver - A device mounted into a car or aircraft that receives and decodes a signal sent by a transmitter. Servos, ESC, and other devices are plugged into the receiver.
  • Remote Receiver - An auxiliary receiver that works in conjunction with a main receiver. These are beneficial in larger aircraft and aircraft that may have RF blind spots caused by larger metallic objects such as engines, batteries or carbon fiber.
  • Remote Receiver Protocol - The transmission “scheme” that each specific radio manufacts designs for the brand.
  • Reliakote A water/ chemical resistance coating that is applied to the PC (electric) boards that make the electronics highly water resistant.
  • Resolution - Refers to the incremental step size of the data transmitted to the receiver.
  • SAFE - SAFE technology is an advanced flight assistance system that gives pilots the ability to fly without the worry of crashing due to common mistakes such as orientation loss or over-control. Built upon the successful Spektrum AS3X system, models with SAFE technology have multiple flight modes with progressive flight envelope limitations as well as self-leveling and flight stabilization.
  • Servo - An electronic device used to actuate steering bellcranks, throttle and brake linkages, or control surface.
  • Servo Sync - A resequencing of the data the DX7 transmits based on the type of mixing you select. This feature helps to sync control services that are connected (such as a swash plate on a helicopter) and is used in radios that have many channels.
  • SRXL - SRXL is a single wire serial data protocol developed by Spektrum that allows Channel Data from SRXL equipped receivers to be transmitted to Flight Controllers and other accessories.
  • SRXL2 - SRXL2 is a powerful bi-directional communications protocol that improves the speed, security, and richness of data transfer between your radio system and compatible on-board devices such as flight controllers and Smart ESCs. SRXL2 lowers the latency compared to legacy protocols and allows flight controllers to be configured directly from your Spektrum transmitter, without requiring a computer or smart device. You’ll also enjoy more responsive telemetry that can be customized precisely to your needs. And it’s all done over one signal wire!
    Please note that SRXL2 is not backward-compatible with the legacy SRXL and remote receiver protocols. SRXL2 support updates may be required for your device to use SRXL2 receivers. Learn more here - http://www.srxl2.com/
  • Telemetry – Provides real time information regarding model parameters (like battery charge condition, speed, Radio link condition, etc.) to the pilot or driver typically through the transmitter via on screen information or audio tone or voice prompts.
  • Wireless Trainer - Allows wireless buddy box training using two transmitters (Instructor and student) typically used to make training easier and safer.
  • XBUS – Telemetry Module Protocol that allows for multiple sensors to communicate through 1 connection. This allows for each sensor to be plugged in from one sensor to the next, in a "Daisy-Chain" fashion.
  • X-Plus – Utilizing the SRXL protocol, Receivers with SRXL can utilize X-Plus to expand the number of allowed channel outputs with a X-Plus Expansion Module. These additional X-Plus Channels communicate at a slower rate and resolution (512ms compared to 1024ms) and are intended for non-control surface functions such as bomb drops, lights, winches, and retractable landing gear.