12183 21XZB V2 ABC VII 1/8 Offroad .21 Buggy Eng
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The "12183 21XZB V2 ABC VII 1/8 Offroad .21 Buggy Eng" is used in the following:
8IGHT-X/E 2.0 Combo Race Kit:1/8 4WD Nit/El Buggy (TLR04012) as a Completion GuidesThe original 8IGHT-X ushered in a new era of TLR 1/8 scale buggies. The Team Losi Racing 8IGHT-X/E 2.0 Race Kit takes everything we’ve learned and applied it to this new platform to make this the fastest and easiest to drive TLR 1/8 buggy yet. |