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Rear Cage Mount, Aluminum: 5ive-T/2.0

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5IVE-T 2.0 V2: 1/5 4wd SCT Gas BND: Gry/Blu/Wht
(LOS05014V2T1) as a Optional Accessories

The Losi 5IVE-T 2.0 BND: 1/5 4WD Gas Short Course Truck has all of the unrivaled performance of its predecessor and includes Bind-N-Drive technology allowing you to pick the transmitter that best fits your driving style.


5IVE-T 2.0 V2: 1/5 4wd SCT Gas BND: Gry/Org/Wht
(LOS05014V2T2) as a Optional Accessories

The Losi 5IVE-T 2.0 BND: 1/5 4WD Gas Short Course Truck has all of the unrivaled performance of its predecessor and includes Bind-N-Drive technology allowing you to pick the transmitter that best fits your driving style.
